
74 pages 2 hours read

The Sexual Contract

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 1988

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The Bifurcation of Civil Society

The bifurcation of civil society is central to Pateman’s argument about the sexual contract and why it has been/must be repressed in dominant interpretations of the original contract and contract theory. The split takes three forms in contract theory—natural/civil, private/public, and woman/man—but, as Pateman demonstrates, the three forms are basically identical in that they rest on the premise that political difference follows from sexual difference. Furthermore, the split entails mutual interdependence that gives meaning to civil society.

In Chapter 1, Pateman briefly mentions the reasons why dominant interpretations of the contract story do not consider the sexual contract. One significant reason is the public/private split. She notes that conventional approaches to the classic contract texts offer an inadequate picture of the distinctive features of civil society (3). That is, they ignore the private sphere because it is seen as politically irrelevant (3), and they therefore do not consider the political implications of marriage and the marriage contract at all, let alone in relation to contracts in the public sphere. Thus, one of her aims with the recovery of the sexual contract is to show how the public and private spheres are mutually dependent (4). The split between natural and civil in classic contract theorists perhaps explains how the private and public split is configured. In Chapter 3, Pateman raises a point about marriage that distinguishes it from other contractual relations: “it retains a natural status even in civil society” (55). The thought of contract theorists exemplifies this tendency. For example, Locke assumes that marriage and family exist in the natural state and that there is a natural foundation for a wife’s subjection (52, 93). Rousseau maintains that marriage and the family is “a natural base on which to form conventional ties” and that women’s subordination is necessary because women are “naturally subversive to men’s political order” (98, 97). For Hegel, “[W]omen are what they are by nature [. . .] [and] must remain in the natural private sphere of family” that “provide[s] the natural foundation for civil life” (176-77).

Thus, womanhood coincides with the ideas of what is considered to be natural and private. However, what Locke, Rousseau, and Hegel all suggest here is that this “natural” foundation is significant to public, civic life, which is to say that it is significant to men’s sense of themselves and their participation in public life. Men pass through both the private and public spheres, and therefore the spheres are bound through patriarchal right (12). The construction of “housewife” and “worker” exemplify this binding. The man’s identity as a worker depends on his conjugal mastery in the home since his wife performs the private, domestic duties that enable him to enter the public sphere (131). Pateman elaborates on this connection between private and public sexually differentiated labor in Chapter 5, “Wives, Slaves, and Wage Slaves.” The takeaway from her consideration of other domestic contracts and public employment contracts is that any and all contracts between men in the public sphere presuppose the sexual contract, which the marriage contract replicates.

The presupposition of the sexual contract is evident in contract theory, and it depends on the natural/civil and private/public split. For Hobbes, all women become servants as wives in the natural state and thus are excluded from the original pact that forms civil society (50). Pateman also demonstrates that in Locke’s original society, political right was conjugal, but when the sons make their fraternal pact and form civil/political society, they separate out the sphere of “natural” subjection so that it becomes nonpolitical (93). Thus, what they suggest is that “[w]omen have no part in the original contract” (11), but since they cannot remain in the state of nature, civil society must incorporate them in some other way. Pateman argues that “[w]omen are incorporated into a sphere that both is and is not in civil society. The private sphere is part of civil society, but is separated from the ‘civil’ sphere. The antimony private/public is another expression of natural/civil and women/men” (11). In other words, the marriage contract incorporates women into civil society as women, not as individuals. They become “natural subordinates” (181), thereby upholding the original contract where men, and men alone, generate political life, and this generation depends upon the patriarchal right secured through the sexual contract.

The treatment of the private, the natural, and women as nonpolitical is the concealment of the earlier fraternal pact that allows civil society and its participants to gain their meaning. Ignoring the connection between “natural” mastery in the private realm and civil participation in the public realm ensures that there is no consideration of how subjugation is not only integral to both, but also binds them together. Therefore, bringing the marriage contract into the political arena—retrieving the sexual contract—is to demonstrate the ways that the bifurcation of civil society is a patriarchal construction, the creation of a hierarchical relation of domination and subordination that runs through all of civil society.

The Political Fictions of Contract Theory

The political fictions of contract theory are a running consideration throughout Pateman’s analysis. She illuminates these political fictions, thereby showing that contract creates relations of domination and subordination. The two primary political fictions handled in Pateman’s analysis are the story of the original contract itself and the idea of property in the person.

Pateman opens Chapter 1 by immediately acknowledging that contract theory is itself a fictional endeavor:

Telling stories of all kinds is the major way that human beings have endeavored to make sense of themselves and their social world. The most famous and influential political story of modern times is found in the writings of the social contract theorists. The story, or conjectural history, tells how a new civil society and a new form of political right is created through an original contract (1).

She reiterates the point in the concluding chapter of her analysis: “The original contract is merely a story, a political fiction” (219). The underlying motivation for this story is the Rawlsian idea of a “desired solution,” although Rawls himself would disagree with the notion that the original contract story is a political fiction. In Chapter 3, Pateman writes of Rawls that his “task is to find a picture of an original position that will confirm 'our' intuitions about existing institutions” (42). That is to say, in a society that claims to have a basis in freedom and equality, there must be some justification for why relations of mastery and subordination exist. The original contract story and the idea of contract itself provide this justification; the white male capitalists who dominate civil society can reason through the contradictions inherent to a society supposedly founded upon freedom and equality even as they institutionalize the opposite in the form of racially-based slave relations, sexually-based conjugal relations, and wage slavery.

Although Pateman only deals with slavery insofar as it is relevant to marriage (and to some extent employment), she does point out that it is the primary contradiction of contract and uses it to demonstrate how contract theorists use “reason” to make the contradiction seemingly disappear. In Chapter 3, she notes James Buchanan’s argument that “once the weak are conquered, a contract is made in which the weak agree to produce for the strong in exchange for ‘something over and above bare subsistence’” (61). Hobbes argues that slaves, after being captured and imprisoned by a master, enter into a contract in order to secure their release from prison and spare their own lives (68). Pufendorf claims that slaves freely offer their services, “being compelled by want or a sense of their own incapacity” (69). Further, he claims that men who acquired more in the natural state invite the poor to hire themselves out, thereby forming a mutually beneficial contractual relation (69). Each of these claims relies on the creation of an original state of nature—or, in the words of Rawls, an “original position”— that affirms the existence of slavery in civil society.

The same is true of the marriage contract, in which Pateman also sees the contradiction of slavery. Justifications for the subordination of wives to their husbands rely on constructing an original position in which this subordination is naturally based. The conjectural histories of contract theorists attempt to make the subordination inherent to contemporary institutions compatible with the claim that freedom and equality characterize civil society. The stories give white men (and capitalists) a sense of themselves in the present that absolves them of the violence, force, and conquest required to secure their power. As Pateman notes in Chapter 3, “slavery originated not in contract but in war and conquest” (64), and the conquerors employed a variety of means to “ensure that their slaves were marked as powerless” (64). In Chapter 5, she writes that “in practice, men continue to uphold their patriarchal right over women through 'strength', that is, through force and violence” (95), and women as wives face the threat of violence when they do not meet the demands of their husbands (130). Furthermore, she acknowledges that “[c]ontemporary capitalist managers enforce workers' obedience by regular evaluations of personal character and work-habits” (148), which, although not outright displays of violence, still imply a degree of coercion.

The fictionalized narrative of an original contract that attempts to both justify and obscure the subjugation created by contractual relations is supported by another political fiction—that of property held in the person. Pateman first acknowledges this fiction in Chapter 1 when she notes that Locke’s notion that “every Man has a property in his own person” is the juncture where patriarchy, contract, socialism, and feminism meet (13). The idea that one’s labor power or labor services can be separated from their person is central to the defense of contract. According to contract theory, treating one’s bodily capacities as a piece of property allows for the protection of the property through mutual agreement to contract out that bodily capacity on an equal basis. However, as Pateman points out in Chapter 5, there is no procedure that makes it possible to contract out labor power:

Labour power, capacities or services, cannot be separated from the person of the worker like pieces of property. The worker's capacities are developed over time and they form an integral part of his self and self-identity; capacities are internally not externally related to the person. Moreover, capacities or labour power cannot be used without the worker using his will, his understanding and experience, to put them into effect. The use of labour power requires the presence of its 'owner', and it remains as mere potential until he acts in the manner necessary to put it into use, or agrees or is compelled so to act; that is, the worker must labour (150-51).

She reiterates the integrity of the self and the self’s capacities in Chapter 7:

Masters are not interested in the disembodied fiction of labour power or services. They contract for the use of human embodied selves. Precisely because subordinates are embodied they can perform the required labour, be subject to discipline, give the recognition and offer the faithful service that makes a man a master (206).

Therefore, what is created in the contractual relation is the right of one party over the other party’s body or self. The political fiction of property held in the person provides further justification for inherently unequal institutions. By pretending that the subordinated party has agreed to the use of their “services,” civil masters—in whatever form they take—can absolve themselves of the violence, force, and coercion required for them to have mastery over another person’s body. The fiction is a theoretical maneuver on the part of contract theorists to make what are essentially conditions of slavery based on inequality compatible with the notions of freedom and equality.

Although the fiction of property in the person is meant to support the fiction of an original contract, it runs counter to it in some ways. It raises the question of how a natural subordinate (as the fiction of the original contract creates) could equally enter a contract in which they are exchanging their labor power or services (as the fiction of property in the person suggests). Pateman’s consideration of the political fictions of contract theory illuminate that it is full of attempts to reason through its own contradictions. What the idea of contract ultimately circles back to—what it has tried to explain away—is that force and absolutism are required for the establishment and maintenance of contractual relations (232-33). This force and absolutism are defining features of modern patriarchy and therefore modern civil society.

The Inadequacy of the Dual Systems Approach

Another important theme throughout Pateman’s analysis is the inadequacy of the dual systems approach, which merely attaches patriarchy to socialist analyses of class and capitalism, rather than considering that capitalism is structured by patriarchy. In fact, Pateman argues that the dual systems approach is inherently patriarchal because it relies on patriarchal notions of the private/public split and of the “individual” as the fundamental unit of society and party to contract. Therefore, it is the dual systems approach that allows socialists and feminists alike to become proponents of contract even though it is inherently antithetical to their aims.

In Chapter 1, Pateman makes a claim central to her analysis of the sexual contract: “Civil society is bifurcated but the unity of the social order is maintained, in large part, through the structure of patriarchal relations” (12). Thus, she plans to “examine some aspects of the public face of patriarchy and explore some of the connections between patriarchal domination in the two spheres” (12). For example, in the debate between liberals and socialists, neither side focuses on the patriarchal division between natural and civil, so they do not consider the relation between marriage and employment contracts or recognize that employment contracts are a part of the patriarchal structure (12). This is because the bifurcation of civil society constructs marriage as a nonpolitical matter. Furthermore, socialists themselves frame the argument along the patriarchal private/public split by describing private enterprise and public state in opposition to one another (13).

This is also due to the patriarchal assumption that patriarchy is universal. Pateman explains in Chapter 2 why this assumption is a problem:

If patriarchy is universal, it must pre-date capitalism; patriarchy can then appear as a feudal relic or a remnant of the old world of status that sets the familiar, paternal, natural, private sphere apart from the conventional, civil, public world of contract and capitalism (23).

She reiterates this point in Chapter 5, noting that because patriarchy is seen as a feudal relic, then feminist critique of patriarchy is merely added to socialist critiques of capitalism (135). Therefore, no connection can be drawn between the private sphere and public sphere, except considerations of the marriage contract in terms of the employment contract, which Pateman views as inadequate. She criticizes feminist arguments that liken a wife’s subordination to her husband to the subordination of the worker to the capitalist (131). She also calls into question socialist critiques that claim women could enter the marriage contract on equal terms when they “secure[] their civil and political rights and [are] economically independent in the new world of voluntary co-operation” (157); she likewise denies that bringing women into public industry would solve the issue of wives’ subordination to their husbands (133). In addition, she notes how dominant discourse speaks of the “worker” as if his masculinity were not integral to the construction of what it means to be a “worker” (140). For Pateman, what these analyses overlook is that the public sphere gains its meaning from the private sphere: The meaning of what it means to be a “worker” is constructed in opposition to what it means to be a “housewife.”

Furthermore, this sexual division of labor structures not only the difference between private and public spheres but differences within the public sphere as well. These include the consistent payment of lower wages to women based on the assumption that their income is supplemental to a husband’s wage (138); the view that working women in the workplace remain “housewives” (141); and the fact that sexual harassment of women is an integral part of the public workplace (141). Bringing the sexual contract into view also sheds light on the terms of the employment contract. Consideration of the marriage contract indicates that the subject of the contract is the body of the person, not the labor power or services: Civil mastery depends upon the right over the subordinated party’s body. This indicates that in employment contracts, the “worker” also is contracting out his body, creating a relation of subordination to his capitalist employer. Finally, conjugal mastery in the home is the prerequisite for the creation of the next generation of wage laborers. This is why most, if not all, of the classic contract theorists see marriage and the family as the natural foundation on which civil society depends.

Therefore, feminist concerns about inequality between the sexes cannot be merely attached to socialist analyses of capitalism. Inequality between the sexes is integral to the structure of capitalism. Conjugal mastery enables civil mastery and civil subordination between men, and even in the public sphere, sexually differentiated mastery continues to show up. The dual systems approach is thus inadequate because it fails to capture the scope of patriarchal structuring and the relations of domination and subordination that exist in mutually dependent private and public spheres. When feminists and socialists alike miss the patriarchal binding of the private and public, they turn to the contractarian idea of the “individual” and the political fiction of property in the person as antidotes to unequal relations. However, this adoption of contractual terms is contrary to feminist and socialist aims of equality between the sexes and between laborers and employers; contract necessarily creates relations of domination and subordination.

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