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As the Nazis continue to massacre Jews and deport them to death camps in Eastern Europe, Helen and Siegfried receive an order to go to Amsterdam train station on July 15, 1942, at 1:30 a.m., for “resettlement to the East.” They get a doctor to remove Siegfried’s healthy appendix, and the Nazis delay their resettlement for two weeks.
Helen goes to the Jewish Council and gets a job to stave off deportation. She cooks at a place for around 40 older Jewish people. After a few months, the space shuts down. Helen realizes the Jewish Council lies. Jews aren’t going east for work. The older people can’t work; many can barely walk.
The Nazis created the Jewish Councils (Judenrat) to manage the Jews and implement Nazi orders. The Councils made lists of people to deport to ghettos and death camps. The Nazi agency responsible for collecting the Jews and sending them east is the Gestapo, the secret police). The SS (Schutzstaffel or protection squads) oversees the Gestapo, and the SS leader is Heinrich Himmler.
Every night, Helen hears boots on the street. They go into the houses and presumably come out with fresh victims. Helen is scared and doesn’t look out the window. She wishes they would enter her house and end her all-consuming anxiety.
A Jewish friend, Juro, introduces Helen and Siegfried to Holland Gentiles (non-Jews), who want to help Jews survive the Nazis. Due to their heroic efforts, these people earn the name Righteous Gentiles. Jo Vis is a carpenter and a Righteous Gentile, and he knows a family who can care for Doris. To protect everyone involved, Helen and Siegfried can’t know the couple’s name or where they live. On October 22, 1942, six days before her birthday, they separate from Doris, who will never see her dad again.
Early in 1943, England and America bomb German cities, including Oberhausen, where Alfons’s parents and brother live. His brother and mom spend their nights in a bunker, but his “stubborn” dad won’t leave his bedroom.
Alfons is not in a targeted area and can stay in Wittlich and train for the C test—the top grade for glider pilots. They’re led by a Nazi named Winkler. He’s a talented pilot and a terrifying disciplinarian. When Winkler catches Alfons and Rabbit sitting behind a hangar, he goes after them on his motorbike. Later, he makes them run from his motorbike, driving the wheels into their heels if they slow down. Once they collapse, he lets them be. Alfons thinks Winkler punishes them for the sake of Germany.
Due to injuries and death tolls, the Nazis allow 16-year-old boys and men up to 65 to fight. They also put women between the ages of 17 and 50 in factories and open nurseries to care for their kids while they work.
Arthur Axman, Hitler Youth leader, promises to provide six million young people between the ages of 10-15. Kids harvest crops, gather clothing, and collect scrap metal. Teens take charge of big anti-aircraft machines. The Allies easily spot the huge weapons and kill the teens, who learn that war isn’t so “grand.”
To get his C rating, Alfons does five tests. On the fourth test, he disobeys an order to circle. He’s too close to the ground—he’ll crash. Winkler doesn’t care. If Alfons was in the war, he could be shot for disobeying an order. Instead, Winkler suspends him from flying and makes him do dirty work. After three days, Winkler asks Alfons if he would disobey an order again. Alfons says he won’t, not even to save his life.
Alfons completes his fourth flight, and his fifth flight, the final flight, feels like a “dream.” He and Rabbit get their C grade and will become Luftwaffe cadets. The alarm sounds. There are American bombers near Camp Wengerohr. Winkler thinks they’re going to a bigger city nearby and has the boys stay on the field.
Rabbit does a “free” flight—he can fly any pattern he wants. The American planes arrive, and Sergeant Baum flies his unarmed plane into their line of sight to save Rabbit’s life. Baum’s plan explodes, and he dies. Winkler reminds Rabbit that Baum died for him, so he owes his life to Germany.
Helen tells a neighbor, Mrs. Safir, about her choice to give Doris to another couple. Mrs. Safir has three kids, and she thinks Helen is a bad mom to put her daughter with other people. Helen wonders if she made the right choice.
Warsaw is Poland’s capital city, and Nazis turned a section of the city into a space exclusively for Jews—a ghetto that Nazis kept overcrowded and inhumane so that Jews suffer sickness and malnutrition. By April 1943, the population goes from 500,000 to 60,000, and the Nazis want to close the ghetto and send the Jews to death camps. Though they lack formidable weapons, the Jews resist and battle the Nazis for over a month.
Jo Vis finds a hiding spot for Helen and Siegfried in Zaandam, a town outside Amsterdam. They stay with a young couple who have two kids. The grandma lives by herself on the second floor. Helen and Siegfried eat with her and keep her company in her living room. They sleep in the attic. The couple grows nervous and asks them to leave. Many times, people hide Helen and Siegfried only to ask them to leave.
During the spring of 1943, Nazis arrive at Jo Vis’s home and arrest him, his wife, and a young man they’re hiding. Jo goes to Dachau, a notorious concentration camp, but Rinus Hille takes over the underground movement and helps Helen and Siegfried find a home with the Tjeertes family (even though they don’t have much room) and then with a “little woman” who lets them stay in the attic with her two teen daughters.
Rinus visits the couple and brings Siegfried books, and Siegfried fills 17 notebooks with his thoughts on the war and how things will be changed for the better by the war. Ab sells their things and brings them money.
Juro and his wife arrange to see their daughter, Vera, who, like Doris, hides with another family. Officials arrest the wife and daughter at the train station and send them to Sobibor, a death camp in Poland.
Jews continue to die by the thousands, and the Nazis keep losing ground in their military battles with the Allies. The Allies launch Operation Overlord to retake France, and on D-Day (June 6, 1944), the Allis storm the beaches of Normandy in northern France. On August 25, 1944, the Allies occupy Paris, France’s capital.
Also, on August 25, two Gestapo officials and two Dutch police officers arrive at Helen and Siegfried’s hiding spot. They find a picture of Doris. They tell them if this is their daughter, they should take her and bring them to the family camp. Helen and Siegfried don’t believe them, and the couple stays in jail until a train takes them to a transit camp, Westerbork. Crowded, ghastly cattle cars then take them to an unknown destination. Wherever they’re heading, Siegfried doesn’t think he’ll survive.
Rabbit and Alfons can’t wait to become Luftwaffe. When another boy notes that a new Luftwaffe pilot typically only lives for 33 days, Rabbit replies, “Who cares?” Instead of flying, Alfons and the Hitler Youth gather in their local gym, and leaders tell them they must defend the West Wall—a 300-mile line of defense the Nazis built in 1936 to repel invasions.
After the address, the leaders summon Alfons to the stage. They make him the equivalent of an army captain and put him in charge of 150-190 boys. A train takes Alfons and his subordinates 40 miles to Remisch, where he makes the nuns give up their convent. The nuns don’t protest, but a teacher wonders how a 16-year-old boy got so much power. Alfons tells the teacher that the Hitler Youth is in control. His boys expel the teacher. Alfons orders the boy to shoot the teacher if he returns.
On the West Wall, Alfons and his unit work on construction and use anti-aircraft weapons. RAF planes spot German supply trucks and spray their machine guns, killing some of the teens, including a 19-year-old Unterbannführer (equivalent to a brigadier general in the U.S. army) who survived Stalingrad. Alfons replaces the Unterbannführer and controls 2,800 boys and 80 girls across four villages.
New boys arrive, and none of them are older than 15. Afraid of death, they abandon the group, and Alfons sends them to a punishment unit. One deserter is from Alfons’s hometown, so he tears off his insignia and sends him to a Remisch officer. He goes to the Russian front and doesn’t return.
An older leader tells Alfons to stop his troops from running away from the sound of gunfire. He says the Gestapo is more dangerous than the Americans but then takes it back. Alfons can report him for criticizing the secret police.
Army officers want Hitler gone, and on July 20, 1944, they try to blow him up in his East Prussian forest headquarters, the Wolf’s Lair. An officer with access to Hitler places a briefcase holding a bomb under the table, and it explodes, but the heavy table protects Hitler, though four people die. In the coming months, Hitler kills over 5,000 people due to the assassination attempt.
Near the end of 1944, an SS official drives Alfons in a Mercedes to a heavily armored, magnificent train. He meets Albert Speer, the Minister of Armaments and War Production, and then Hitler. Though England and the U.S. pulverize German cities, Hitler promises victory, and Alfons cries—it’s the most glorious day of his life.
After three nights in the wretched boxcar, Helen and Siegfried arrive at their destination. There’s screaming and chaos. Helen asks a prisoner where she is, but he doesn’t reply. An officer asks Helen if a nearby child is hers, and she says no. The officer sends the child and her mom to the right and Helen to the left. Helen passes the first “selection”—she’ll work, but the mom and child will die.
The officer who inspects her is Dr. Josef Mengele, the notorious doctor nicknamed “The Angel of Death.” While humming classical music, he decides who lives and dies by moving his thumbs right or left. He also performs tortuous medical experiments on pregnant women and twins.
Helen and the others receive a tattoo on their left forearms. They remove their clothes, and women officers search their bodies for valuables. A prisoner tries to get Helen’s shoes, but she keeps her shoes—solid shoes can be the difference between life and death.
Helen hears the voice of Anne Frank’s mom. Anne Frank and her family hid in Amsterdam. She, her older sister, and her mom die, but her dad survives, discovers her diaries, and publishes them, turning the adolescent Anne into an iconic figure. Anne’s mom trades her shoes for two extra portions of soup. Anne’s mom never gets the soup.
Helen sleeps in an overcrowded, windowless horse stable, and Helen dreams she’s in Amsterdam, trying to tell her friends about what happened to her, but they don’t believe her. The prisoners stand for roll call each morning and night—a grueling process where the officials count the prisoners. Helen doesn’t remember the count ever matching the number of prisoners.
Helen discovers the toilets—64 people can use them simultaneously, so they serve as a social space. She meets a man around there who tells her where she is: Birkenau, one of the many camps that make up the Auschwitz complex. He points out the gas chamber, where people—mostly Jews—die 24 hours a day. Helen wants to know how they can escape. The man says the only way to leave is through the chimney.
In October 1944, Auschwitz prisoners revolt. They throw rocks at guards and attack them with crowbars and hammers. The guards restore order and smile as they kill many people, including 650 boys ages 12 to 16.
The camps are disgusting, but Helen tries to keep herself clean by watering her body in any way she can, even if it means rubbing snow on her face during the winter. Lice cover her, and she gets scarlet fever. She gets better and tries to stay invisible. By blending in with the crowd, she survives three selections, and the Nazis put her on a cattle car to another camp.
Ayer makes death visible to the reader by listing the number of people the Nazis massacre and gas, yet Helen and Siegfried muster the power to survive, and the removal of Siegfried’s healthy appendix delays their deportation to a death camp by two weeks. The extension summons the theme of Compassion Versus Indifference and Hate. The reader might wonder why the Nazis gave them an extension. Compassion doesn’t make sense: The Nazis hate the Jews. Yet if the Nazis loathe the Jews, why do they show Helen and Siegfried mercy and give them two more weeks? The extension alludes to an argument that the 20th-century historian Raul Hilberg makes in his history of the Holocaust, The Destruction of European Jews: Student Edition (Holmes & Meier, 1985). Hilberg says Nazis weren’t supposed to show bloodlust toward the Jews. Rather, they had to kill them professionally. Murdering the Jews was a job, which they should perform dispassionately. Thus, the extension represents indifference. The Nazis don’t care about keeping Helen and Siegfried alive and healthy. After two weeks, they’ll presumably be heading toward death.
The Jewish Councils continue the theme of Compassion Versus Indifference and Hate, and a long-running debate about whether the Jewish Councils represent compassion, indifference, or hate, or some kind of mixture. Either way, the existence of the Jewish Councils is a fraught topic. Hilberg argues that the Nazis would not have been able to implement the genocide without the Jewish Councils. There were more Jews than Nazis, and the Nazis lacked the resources to create lists and keep track of the Jews, their things, and their property.
The Jewish Councils also link to Death and Visibility. They try to hide what’s happening from the Jews. The sudden closure of the home for older people gives Helen an epiphany, “Suddenly, it became clear to me that the Jewish Council was lying when it told us that all deportees were sent east to do labor” (141). The reader can argue the Jewish Councils are trying to show compassion by deceiving the Jews about the death camps, or they can claim it’s part of the odious constitution of the Jewish Councils.
The Righteous Gentiles are clear examples of true Compassion, helping Helen and Siegfried find hiding places and finding a home for their daughter. Juro, Jo Vis, the unnamed couple who take Doris, Tjeertes, Ab, and Rinus—all risk their lives to help Helen, Siegfried, and likely other Jews not named in the story. The compassion of these Gentiles stands in contrast to the hate and indifference that abounds under Hitler and the Nazis.
Once the Nazis capture them, Helen uses imagery to help the reader witness the cramped and disgusting cattle cars and the chaotic, deadly horror of Auschwitz. Siegfried tells Helen, “I don’t know where this journey will take us, but I don’t think that I am capable of living through whatever it is” (184), and he foreshadows his death. Siegfried is Helen’s foil: She has traits he lacks. She can survive and finds the power to maintain her humanity in Auschwitz. As Helen says, “I would water down my body in any way I could. It helped me feel that I was still an important person with a body worth caring for” (217-18).
The chapter about Alfons and the Hitler Youth foregrounds the theme of Power Versus Helplessness. Winkler showcases the power and sadism of Nazi leaders, as he’s free to abuse Alfons and Rabbit by running his motorbike into them. The motif of unthinking returns—neither boy can protest Winkler’s actions. Later, when Winkler orders Alfons to circle, Alfons thinks for himself, “I can’t risk a sharp, banking circle this close to the ground” (155), and he doesn’t circle, and his thoughtfulness leads to trouble. Later, Alfons promises he won’t ever disobey an order again. He says, “[N]ot even to save me” (157). This section makes clear that the members of the Hitler Youth must sacrifice their individual volition for the sake of the fatherland. They find themselves unglamorously collecting scrap, farming crops, and serving as an auxiliary defense force. Nothing less than ultimate, unthinking loyalty is demanded of them. Death continues to dominate Nazi spaces. Alfons pledges death, Baum dies for Rabbit, and Winkler tells Rabbit, “You, in turn, owe your life to the fatherland” (160-61).
As Alfons climbs the Hitler Youth hierarchy, he makes death visible. He orders his subordinates to kill the convent teacher if he returns, and then he gets the deserter from his hometown sent to the Russian front, where he presumably dies. Alfons stays unthinking. He doesn’t see how his rise links to Nazi Germany’s losses. If the Nazis were winning the multifront war, they wouldn’t need teen boys. The tragic reality stays away from Alfons, and when he meets Hitler, he knows that “nothing in the rest of [his] life would ever equal this day” (204). It’s as if Hitler’s power makes Alfons’s capacity for critical thought helpless.
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