Binti: The Complete Trilogy
- Genre: Fiction; three science fiction/fantasy novellas
- Originally Published: 2015
- Reading Level/Interest: Grades 11-12; college/adult
- Structure/Length: 3 novellas; 14 chapters; approx. 368 pages; approx. 2 hours, 30 minutes on audio
- Protagonist and Central Conflict: Binti, a young Earth woman of the ethnic group Himba, becomes involved in intergalactic conflict between rival groups when she leaves her home to study at the prestigious Oomza University.
- Potential Sensitivity Issues: Violence; death; murder
CENTRAL THEMES connected and noted throughout this Teaching Unit:
- The Social Construction of Gender
- The Intricacies of Race
- Growth as the Key to Survival
STUDY OBJECTIVES: In accomplishing the components of this Unit, students will:
- Develop an understanding of the cultural and literary contexts regarding Afrofuturism and the bildungsroman genre that inform the nature of Binti’s character development.
- Study short paired texts and other resources to make connections via the text’s themes of The Social Construction of Gender, The Intricacies of Race, and Growth as the Key to Survival.
- Plan, research, and construct a small-group presentation showcasing an Afrofuturist visual artist to comparatively deepen their understanding of the Binti trilogy.
- Examine and appraise plot and character details to draw conclusions in structured essay responses regarding the fragmentation of society in Binti: The Complete Trilogy, intellectualism’s freeing effects on Binti, and other topics.