
63 pages 2 hours read

A Brief History Of Time

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 1988

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Chapters 8-12Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 8 Summary: “The Origin and Fate of the Universe”

During the first few seconds of the universe, it was so dense and hot that particles crashed into each other in a chaos of creation and annihilation. By 100 seconds, the universe had cooled to one billion degrees, the temperature inside large stars, and protons and neutrons began to cling together and form the lightest atoms, especially helium. As the universe expanded, areas of slightly greater density began to coalesce from gravity until galaxies formed. Inside them, gas clouds continued to contract into stars dense enough for nuclear fusion to take place, which radiated enough energy to stop the star from collapsing further. Bigger stars burn hotter, use up their nuclear fuel faster, and create many of the heavier elements. When stars run out of nuclear fuel, they contract further. The biggest stars contract so violently that they explode much of their mass out into space, where they combine with nearby gas clouds to form new stars like Earth’s sun. Some of the heavier elements formed and dispersed by giant stars coalesce into planets like Earth. Life began here as macromolecules, some of which could replicate themselves. The ones that did better at it survived longer; ever since, life forms that do better at surviving and reproducing tend to become dominant. Over time, gasses emitted by primitive life forms changed the atmosphere and made it hospitable to more complex species.

The universe just happens to grow at exactly the right speed: “If the rate of expansion one second after the Big Bang had been smaller by even one part in a hundred thousand million million, the universe would have recollapsed before it ever reached its present size” (126). The question is how those exact conditions came about through the Big Bang. Several things—the ratio of the mass of an electron to that of a proton, the strength of the interactions of charged particles, and more—need to be just right, or the universe doesn’t evolve to support living beings as we know them. The Standard Model of physics doesn’t predict these quantities; they must be discovered through experiment. Thus, it’s not known why the universe is precisely right for humans.

One idea is the anthropic principle, which states that: “if it had been different, we would not be here!” (129), meaning the question only exists because humans already exist. One possibility is that the universe itself can’t exist unless it contains laws that permit intelligent life; this is the “strong anthropic principle” (130). Another possibility is that there are infinitely many universes, and humanity exists in one of the few that allows for it to exist, or that the known universe might have regions with differing laws of physics—in each case, humans only exist in the ones that permit human life to evolve. These are examples of the “weak anthropic principle” (128).

After the initial chaos of the Big Bang, the universe underwent a period of expansion called “inflation” all in a tiny fraction of a second. During this moment, the “wrinkles” that had formed randomly within the original chaotic density were smoothed out by the expansion. This explains why the universe appears the same in all directions. Hawking and other theorists wondered how this might have happened. As the infant universe cooled, the various particles should begin to differentiate themselves. Their “symmetry,” or apparent sameness, fractures as they reveal their unique behaviors. This might have been somewhat like a phase transition, as when water, cooling down, changes from a vapor to a flowing liquid and then to solid ice. Another possibility is that the universe entered into a supercooled state in which the temperature dropped but the particles didn’t break symmetry. The extra energy they contained would help repel gravity and further level out the initial irregularities. These regions would form like bubbles that grow and eventually connect. Theorists settled on the idea that the chaotic early universe had regions of varying energy, and one of those became the observable universe. This concept agrees well with the value of the cosmic background radiation; it also allows for a large variety of initial conditions that can produce our universe. Human existence isn’t as unlikely as once thought.

Hawking applied quantum mechanics to gravity—an approach called “quantum gravity”—and came up with the ideas that (1) there might not have been a singularity at the beginning of the universe, and (2) the universe has “no boundary,” in the same sense that a ship sailing across the seas never reaches an edge of the globe where it can fall off. In the “no boundary” scenario, most potential explanations involve the universe expanding outward from a singularity, then collapsing back into a “big crunch,” over and over, endlessly. This requires no act of creation at the Big Bang, and it allows the universe to exist forever, expanding and contracting endlessly.

Figure 8.1 is a diagram with a drawing of a globe that has a north pole and a south pole. The north pole is the big bang, and the south pole is the “big crunch.” From the big bang, the globe’s area expands southward until it reaches its maximum size at the equator; this represents the increasing size of the universe. From there, the globe’s area contracts until it ends at the south pole, which represents the universe decreasing in size until it reaches a minimum. This concept can’t be calculated without using so-called “imaginary numbers,” which contain a factor, the square root of minus one, that doesn’t make intuitive sense in ordinary life but permits theorists to make useful calculations, including with quantum gravity.

Quantum mechanics explains the slight variations in the cosmic microwave background, and the existence of denser areas and their galaxies, as consistent with the slight uncertainties in the starting conditions of the universe. Those data also are consistent mathematically with the no boundary condition as proposed by Hawking.

Chapter 9 Summary: “The Arrow of Time”

In this chapter, Hawking presents his conception of and theories about time. Most of the laws of physics work equally well if time goes forward or backward, yet a broken teacup never repairs itself. The law of entropy requires that things become more disordered over time; this is called the “thermodynamic arrow of time” (149). Related to it is the psychological arrow of time, referring to the human perception of events moving forward in time, and by which people remember the past but not the future. A third arrow of time is the cosmological, which points forward as the universe expands but reverses as it contracts.

There is only one state in which a jigsaw puzzle makes a complete picture, but many states in which it’s a jumble of puzzle pieces. Any orderly object exists in a specific state, but, over time, the laws of physics will cause it to change, and, because there are vastly more states of disorder than order, the originally well-ordered object will tend to become a jumble. If the universe started out randomly but became more orderly, it might seem that people would remember the future but not the past. Similarly, if, after expanding, the universe then contracts, maybe during the contraction the thermodynamic and psychological arrows of time reverse direction, and people remember the future and things get more orderly.

Hawking’s no-boundary proposal states that, after the early moments of cosmic inflation, the universe is only mildly disordered, and it thereafter expands for a very long time, until all matter decays into energy and the universe achieves a nearly perfect state of disorder. Then, it will begin to collapse, but during this time no life can exist, since life needs to process energy to survive, and that process requires at least some form of orderliness that life can break down for its own use.

In this way, the thermodynamic, psychological, and cosmological arrows of time always point in the same direction because humans can only exist in a universe that’s expanding and increasing in entropy.

Chapter 10 Summary: “Wormholes and Time Travel”

Faster-than-light travel, as in science fiction, isn’t possible using ships powered with engines that push them through space. As a ship approaches lightspeed, the mass of the ship increases toward infinity. A way to break the speed of light maybe be possible by creating a “wormhole” through space that connects two faraway places.

The only way to create a wormhole is through the use of “negative” energy. Such energy exists in very particular places. An example is the space between metal plates held very close together: Their proximity limits the possible wavelengths of virtual particles (which appear and disappear in accordance with the uncertainty principle) between the plates, so that fewer can exist between the plates than outside them. This causes more pressure from virtual particles outside the plates than between them. Since the total field energy from virtual particles out in the universe is zero, the energy of virtual particles between the plates is negative. This means negative energy exists and might possibly be harvested to create a wormhole.

Wormholes would create weird time effects: A person could go to Alpha Centauri, four light-years away, and return home before they left. This also means it would be possible to go back in time and change events so that one never went through the wormhole in the first place. The only way to prevent these contradictions is if the time travel happened before you left through the wormhole. In this way, the universe would protect itself from the chaos of time travel.

On the microscopic scale, time travel actually happens. A particle moving forward in time is the same as an anti-particle moving backward in time. When virtual particles form at the edges of black holes, and one of them, the anti-particle, falls into the hole, the escaping particle can be conceived of as traveling backward in time out of the hole.

Chapter 11 Summary: “The Unification of Physics”

The theories of gravity, electromagnetics, and the strong and weak forces are “partial theories” that don’t fully fit together and that contain arbitrary values that the theories don’t predict. Gravity in particular is understood as a classical theory—it’s not a quantum-based concept—while the other three depend on quantum mechanics to be understood. Hawking notes that to develop a unified theory, the “necessary first step […] is to combine general relativity with the uncertainty principle” (172-73). This is harder than it might seem. To fit gravity into a quantum theory, theorists must account for all the mass contained in virtual particles, which should be so great that the universe curls up into a tiny point. Workarounds exist that “renormalize” these problems, and they work, but they often depend on estimates or arbitrary values. A successful Grand Unified Theory of Everything would be more accurate.

One solution, presented in 1976, was “supergravity,” which combined the graviton with several particles of various spin values, into aspects of a single “superparticle.” The calculations, though, would take four years to complete. In 1984 a new idea called “string theory” proposed that particles weren’t dimensionless points but strings that extend through several dimensions, some hanging open and some closed in a loop.

Figures 11.1 and 11.2 illustrate strings and their travel through time. In Figure 11.1 is an open string—it looks like an ordinary piece of string—and its travel upward through time looks like a strip of paper that’s as wide as the string; this is called the string’s “world-sheet.” Figure 11.2 shows a closed string—it’s a loop, like a string whose ends have joined—and its travel upward through time generates a “world-sheet” that looks like a cylinder.

Theoretically, strings can join up when one particle absorbs another. Their world sheets, as shown in Figures 11.3 and 11.4, might then merge to form a single, larger string. Two open strings, in Figure 11.3, merge together as they move upward in time; they form a single, larger string. Similarly, Figure 11.4 shows two closed-loop strings whose cylindrical world-sheets travel upward in time until they join to form a single, larger cylinder. The shape is somewhat like a pair of pants, with the single closed-loop strings as the legs, while the torso above them is the larger cylindrical world-sheet of the larger, combined string.

Strings can also separate, and one string can leave another and join a third. Figure 11.5 shows the old diagram of two point-like particles, one in the sun and one in the Earth, traveling upward in parallel timelines, and, midway up, a wavy line representing a graviton travels across the gap between the two vertical timelines, like the crossbar on the letter “H.” Figure 11.6 shows a new string-theory diagram of the same event: This time, the two-particle timelines are replaced by world-sheets, and the graviton is a third world-sheet that travels across the gap between them. This diagram also looks like the letter “H” except much thicker.

The math for string theory requires a universe with at least 10 dimensions, most of which function at a scale too small to be observable or noticed. If some of the extra dimensions were uncurled, the universe would behave differently—gravity, for example, would be weaker, and electrons would act oddly—and human life might not be possible. The anthropic principle thus limits human life to universes with only three unfurled physical dimensions.

Figure 11.8 shows a sketch of a dog who exists in a flat, two-dimensional world. Its digestive tract runs across the dog and divides it into two parts. Such a creature would be unable to survive. This is an example of how worlds other than those with three physical dimensions likely are inhospitable to life.

String theory has evolved, and though it’s compatible with an endless number of possible configurations of spatial dimensions, many of them lead to the four known dimensions of space-time. Particle theory deals with zero-dimensional sub-atomic units, while string theory deals with particles in one dimension, and a new idea, p-brane theory, posits particles with two to nine dimensions. Each theory has its advantages and drawbacks; this is somewhat like needing multiple maps of the Earth to describe it completely.

It’s possible that the closest thing to a unified theory is what scientists have developed already: a collection of theories that are used individually, depending on circumstances. It’s also possible that there’s no ultimate theory of everything, but instead an infinite number of ever-more-accurate theories. It might also be that there’s no viable theory at all.

Hawking reiterates that scientific theories will never be able to predict the course of the universe completely because of the limits on knowledge set by the uncertainty principle and because the calculations for the interactions of three or more objects quickly become infinitely complex. Still, continued experimentation and theorizing helps humanity to understand the universe more and more fully.

Chapter 12 Summary: “Conclusion”

Hawking returns to early philosophical and religious beliefs. Ancient theories held that the world was controlled by spirits who lived inside of rivers and mountains and the sun and Moon. Early people made offerings to these gods to win their favor and receive blessings like good harvests. Over time, careful record-keeping showed that celestial bodies moved very precisely and predictably; offerings made no difference. More recently, science discovered laws that explain the motions of the universe and its contents. Personification was no longer necessary to explain the functions of the cosmos, but the creation of the cosmos remained mysterious. The Marquis de Laplace, who theorized the deterministic universe, proposed that while the laws of physics could be discovered, their origin belonged solely to a divine creator. Yet scientific discoveries—and especially the uncertainty principle—maintain a degree of unpredictability to the universe. Both the position and velocity of a given particle can never be known exactly. Instead, quantum mechanics sees particles as a set of waves that propagate over time. That history, which includes all possible future states of the particle, can be described. Like spirits and mythologies, Hawking posits that maybe position and velocity are simply old biases that science can someday abandon.

The theory of gravity, combined with quantum mechanics, predicts a universe that got started with a bang and has since spread out very evenly. Hawking notes that this does not explain why the universe necessarily exists at all, however, and that cosmology began as a way to understand the nature or existence of the divine and determine why anything exists at all. Though modern investigations of the origins of the universe tend toward the technical, rather than the philosophical, Hawking expresses hope that popular understanding and discussion of theoretical physics will encourage new advances in “human reasoning.”

Chapters 8-12 Analysis

These late chapters look at how science addresses existential questions about the nature of time, the possibility of time travel, and the search for an ultimate theory of everything to explain the existence of the universe.

Clues about the nature of the cosmos come from the Big Bang theory, which postulates a beginning at a single point of infinite density. However, Hawking indicates that even as scientists better understand how the universe came to be, the answers to why it came to be—and why it developed exactly as it did—remain elusive. Hawking refers to the anthropic principle as a possible explanation for why humanity exists in this particular universe. The “anthropic” in “anthropic principle” uses anthropo, Greek for human, and converts it to mean “humanly possible.” It says that only in a universe where human life is possible can humans ask the question, “How is human life possible?” This theory is intentionally reflexive, and Hawking introduces this more philosophical perspective on theoretical science to indicate that, despite Humanity’s Shift from Philosophy to Science in terms of methodology and hypothesizing, the two schools of thought are inextricably linked.

According to Hawking’s quantum-gravity solution to the nature of the universe, it could be that there are infinitely many universes, or many regions within a single universe that contain variations in the laws of physics, and nearly all of them are completely hostile to lifeforms. As Hawking puts it, “Most sets of values would give rise to universes that, although they might be very beautiful, would contain no one able to wonder at that beauty” (130). One of Hawking’s goals, though, was to prove that many, if not most, universes, by the nature of their beginnings, would allow for intelligent life. His no-boundary theory, he believed, would settle that issue in his favor.

As Hawking presents his theories with authority and confidence, he also emphasizes The Need for Humility in the Process of Scientific Discovery. As Einstein couldn’t abide the uncertainty principle and spent much of his life trying to refute it, Hawking seeks to interrogate the idea of infinite universes that almost entirely contain no conscious life. Modern science tests the limits not only of reality, but of humanity’s ability to accept the extreme weirdness of what they’ve discovered. By offering both proven and unproven theories throughout the book, Hawking suggests that it’s vital for scientists to be cautious and skeptical around new ideas, but that it’s also important to recognize when a wacky concept has real potential. In the realm of the new and unexpected, there’s no way to know for sure who’s on the right track and who’s wandered off and gotten lost.

Several times, Hawking mentions an intelligent creator’s possible role in the creation of the universe. If a deity built the cosmos, then that deity must be outside it and not of it. Hawking invokes God partly as a literary convenience: By placing God at the source, he sidesteps speculation on what happened before the Big Bang and the beginnings of the cosmos; instead, he simply calls what went before “God.” Ironically, Hawking was a lifelong atheist who believed science ruled out any external force that manipulates reality. The idea is that, if God is unnecessary to how the universe functions, it’s pointless to invoke Him. Hawking does so mainly as a nod to those who believe in a divine creator, but he makes it clear that, according to his understanding of quantum mechanics and own opinion, a potential deity has very little to do with the universe. If Hawking is right and the universe has always existed—expanding and contracting over and over—then, in Hawking’s view, it’s possible that God is completely unnecessary.

Hawking knew his doubts about the existence of God wouldn’t please a lot of his audience. His purpose wasn’t to offend but to state plainly what he thinks the evidence from his scientific work says about the likelihood of a divine creator. It’s up to the reader to accept or reject those conclusions—or perhaps simply to ponder the questions and gain perspective on some of the great puzzles that arise from the study of the universe. Hawking concludes his “brief history” of time by expressing that just as early cosmology had religious motivations, new scientific discoveries will have ideological implications for how humanity conceives of its own existence. In Hawking’s view, science can replace philosophy as a means to explore existential questions.

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